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the illuminati welcomes you

all hail the light We appreciate your interest in our organization. Use our official website for details on our members, contact information, how to join the Illuminati, our beliefs, message archives, and more. Join The Illuminati


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Living humans evolve at a rapid pace and continue to advance in ability through study, practice, and self-improvement. The human species is guarded by a coalition of its most elite members called the Illuminati.
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Every human is one part of a larger, eternal design – individual gears in a clock that has no end. Though they may never realize it, a person’s actions have the power to alter the future of the entire world.
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Every human is guided by an inner compass that points toward the Light, revealing truth and direction amidst decisions. All human spiritual beliefs ultimately seek the Light in ways differing only in form and function.
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The Pyramid

Money is not the root of all evil, money is the route to all freedom. The selfish pursuit of money is a hollow goal, but the pursuit of the goodness that money can create is one of humanity’s greatest responsibilities.


The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. Our coalition unites influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.


The term ‘Illuminati’ has been used in numerous contexts . Today, Illuminati is commonly used as a blanket term to describe elite of plutocrats. Our highly organized superclass fraternity works towards a common interest – we’re passionate about knowledge, community deployment and the rationality of belief. Hence, we hold on to this philosophies and ideals.

Mission Statement

Loyalty to our course and devotion to the principles of friendship, fellowship and new world order.

Our Tenets & Purpose

Our core tenet is about enlightened thinking and restoring order to prominence, power, and fame. We believe that our values should be incorporated into everything we do.


Since our origination, Illuminati members have dedicated themselves to the advancement of the human species by taking oaths of commitment. These pledges are a core tradition of the Illuminati, formed as written contracts between a single person and all members of humanity. The first pledge of the Illuminati is called the Eternal Oath.


Millions of people from all walks of life have committed themselves to the Illuminati’s global work for the betterment of the human species. By forgoing all divisions of religious, geographical, or political beliefs, followers of Illuminatiam strive to form a planet where all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.

Join The Illuminati

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